Nika Teran
Children's book writer

About me
Nika Teran
I grew up in a mountainous region of Slovenia, then part of Yugoslavia. I always wrote, and always wanted to be a writer, but I didn’t know that was an actual job a girl like me could dream of having one day. In those times, writers didn’t come to classrooms to present their books and talk about their career. So before I became a writer, I studied many different things, from medicine, theater, literature, languages to international affairs. I worked as a tourist guide, as a French-Slovenian-Bosnian interpreter, as a translator for a scientific magazine. I held jobs in non-governmental organizations, in the government of my own country, and for many years in the United Nations in New York and around the globe. Two things that haven't changed about me: I've always believed in magic, and I've always thought cats had something to do with it...